Submit your Lucid Dreams and Articles

The lucid dream magazine, Lucid Dreaming Experience, is looking for well written, thoughtful articles by experienced lucid dreamers. Your lucid dreaming stories and intelligent commentary should serve as the basis for submissions. If you have questions about a potential article, please send a note first.

An independently published quarterly e-zine dedicated to educating and inspiring lucid dreamers everywhere.”

Some basic submission guidelines:

Articles should range from 500 to 1,500 words.

Whenever possible, please include actual lucid dreams to illustrate your main points.

Look at past issues of the LDE to read examples of the articles that we normally accept.

Please proofread and spell check your article before submission.

You retain the copyright to your article; however if you use it again, please add a note that it was originally published in the LDE.

Lucid Dreaming Experience is looking for interesting articles by lucid dreamers on their personal experiences, techniques, ideas and views on lucid dreaming. We are also interested in book reviews, interviews and other material that would be of interest to lucid dreamers.

How to do it?

To submit your personal article for possible publication, please send the material to [email protected]  

Two weeks after submission, we will notify you of the possible publication of your article, as well as possible editing suggestions.

If your article is published, Lucid Dreaming Experience will send you a print copy of the LDE in which it is featured.

Because the LDE is a volunteer effort, we offer no monetary rewards, only the satisfaction of seeing your work and ideas in print and knowing that you may have influenced the awareness of lucid dreamers.If you have questions, please write us at [email protected]

Remember, to get the LDE by email or print, you must subscribe to the LDE. Thanks for your help!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a hybrid off grid system?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis enim ante, aliquet et suscipit vitae, egestas non erat. Suspendisse lorem massa, vulputate sit amet diam non, iaculis viverra orci. Vestibulum suscipit diam sit amet molestie luctus. Phasellus eu enim purus. Duis tincidunt eu metus non iaculis.

What is the life expectancy of an off grid system?

Cras ac sagittis purus. Suspendisse mattis porttitor posuere. Nunc pulvinar facilisis ultricies. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris facilisis nulla in magna consequat, vitae gravida dolor pretium. Vivamus placerat interdum dui ac facilisis.

What size of wind turbine will i need?

Nulla a diam sagittis, tristique quam id, consectetur quam. Morbi feugiat tellus ut lacus tristique auctor. Morbi bibendum dui nibh, bibendum porta enim congue quis. Proin non nisl non lectus porta lacinia sed sed dolor. Nulla diam nisi, aliquam eget facilisis vitae, feugiat vel arcu.

Do i need to have a backup power source?

Etiam facilisis commodo nunc, nec bibendum sem tincidunt et. Curabitur quam nisl, tristique eu mi vitae, accumsan dictum urna. Donec ante quam, venenatis in tellus in, facilisis hendrerit mauris. Curabitur vel enim nunc. Aliquam erat volutpat. Ut faucibus hendrerit nibh, ut posuere quam ullamcorper sed.